Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thing #23

Not having a TAKS tested class allows me to try and explore more options to try and teach my students. But one concern that I have is that I float to four different classrooms and not all classrooms have the same technology equipment. Some classrooms have the equipment in the room but it is not set up for me to use. Other classrooms have equipment that only works half of the time. This makes it very difficult to plan the use of outside technology in my class. My other problem with our system, as mentioned before, is the blockage of certain sites by the district and until that changes it makes it difficult to incorporate technology at its fullest potential.

Classroom 2.0 has great resources that are already set up for the teacher to use, which is very helpful. Great teachers borrow great ideas from other great teachers that is how it should be. Some times we are not sure where to go to find information, Classroom 2.0, is a site I will surely share with others. Just as Teacher Tube was shared with me. I am always looking for websites that I can use for World Geography and I found one that was very helpful. It is called Where in the world are Interactive Geography lessons? So if anyone is looking for some I hope this site helps.

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